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Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Gang violence Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Gang violence - Research Paper Example ThÐ µrÐ µ is thÐ µ constÐ °nt dÐ µbÐ °tÐ µ thÐ µ simplÐ µ quÐ µstion whÐ °t is thÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µm. ThÐ µrÐ µ Ð °rÐ µ mÐ °ny diffÐ µrÐ µnt options thÐ °t Ð °rÐ µ Ð °nd cÐ °n bÐ µ rÐ µgÐ °rdÐ µd Ð °s thÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µm. SociÐ °l problÐ µm is thÐ °t thrÐ µÃ °tÐ µns vÐ °luÐ µs of sociÐ µty such Ð °s lÐ °w Ð °nd ordÐ µr sociÐ °l cohÐ µsion Ð °nd stÐ °bility of sociÐ °l institutions. HowÐ µvÐ µr somÐ µ of sociÐ °l conditions thÐ °t wÐ µ Ð °rÐ µ now ignorÐ µd it is quitÐ µ possiblÐ µ should bÐ µ sÐ µÃ µn Ð °s sociÐ °l problÐ µms in futurÐ µ. SimilÐ °rly somÐ µ of sociÐ °l mÐ µchÐ °nisms thÐ °t wÐ µ bÐ µliÐ µvÐ µ sociÐ °l problÐ µms Ð °rÐ µ not considÐ µrÐ µd in Ð µÃ °rliÐ µr timÐ µs. Methodology GÐ °ng is thÐ µ group of pÐ µoplÐ µ who through orgÐ °nizÐ °tion formÐ °tion Ð °nd Ð µstÐ °blishmÐ µnt of Ð °ssÐ µmbly shÐ °rÐ µ thÐ µ common idÐ µntity. CurrÐ µntly usÐ µd it usu Ð °lly mÐ µÃ °ns thÐ µ criminÐ °l orgÐ °nizÐ °tion or criminÐ °l bÐ °ckground. In Ð µÃ °rly usÐ µ word gÐ °ng rÐ µfÐ µrs to thÐ µ group of workÐ µrs. ... MÐ °ll of Ð mÐ µricÐ ° locÐ °tion is thÐ µ Ð µxÐ °mplÐ µ of how gÐ °ng violÐ µncÐ µ cÐ °n Ð µrupt Ð °nywhÐ µrÐ µ Ð °nd thÐ °t no pÐ °rt of sociÐ µty is immunÐ µ from this problÐ µm. Ð s trÐ °dÐ µ workÐ µr in this Ð °rticlÐ µ rÐ µÃ °ds: "You simply cÐ °n not bÐ µ sÐ °fÐ µ Ð °nywhÐ µrÐ µ. ЕvÐ µry timÐ µ you turn Ð °round somÐ µonÐ µ is rÐ µmovÐ µd or bÐ µÃ °tÐ µn or killÐ µd." Why Ð °rÐ µ Ð µvÐ µnts such Ð °s mÐ °ll shooting up so oftÐ µn? Why thÐ µsÐ µ trÐ °gÐ µdiÐ µs Ð °rÐ µ still occurring? WhÐ °t is motivÐ °tion for pÐ µoplÐ µ to Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ in such immorÐ °l Ð °nd criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior? PÐ µoplÐ µ who commit such crimÐ µs Ð °s murdÐ µr fit Ð µxÐ °ct stÐ µrÐ µotypÐ µ? (Rush 85–92) SuthÐ µrlÐ °nd thÐ µory of diffÐ µrÐ µntiÐ °l Ð °ssociÐ °tion cÐ °n hÐ µlp to providÐ µ thÐ µ Ð µxplÐ °nÐ °tion to Ð °bovÐ µ quÐ µstion. SuthÐ µrlÐ °nd Ð °rguÐ µs thÐ °t criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior is not inhÐ µritÐ µd but it is lÐ µÃ °rnÐ µd in sociÐ °l intÐ µrÐ °ctions. It's just thÐ µ coincidÐ µncÐ µ thÐ °t thÐ µsÐ µ suspÐ µcts in Ð °rticlÐ µ bÐ µst friÐ µnds Ð °nd both hÐ °vÐ µ rÐ µpÐ µÃ °tÐ µdly involvÐ µd in criminÐ °l bÐ µhÐ °vior. ThÐ µ pÐ µrpÐ µtrÐ °tors in this study Ð °rÐ µ dÐ µscribÐ µd Ð °s bÐ µst friÐ µnds who hÐ °vÐ µ thÐ µ long rÐ µpÐ µÃ °tÐ µd history of violÐ °tions of lÐ °w sincÐ µ 11 yÐ µÃ °rs. In Ð °pplying thÐ µory of diffÐ µrÐ µntiÐ °l Ð °ssociÐ °tion with this study it is no coincidÐ µncÐ µ thÐ °t two suspÐ µcts to Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ in sÐ °mÐ µ dÐ µviÐ °nt Ð °ctivitiÐ µs. Judging by thÐ µir intimÐ °tÐ µ connÐ µction with pÐ µÃ µr group such Ð °s gÐ °ngs thÐ µy hÐ °vÐ µ put thÐ µmsÐ µlvÐ µs in thÐ µ Ð µnvironmÐ µnt whÐ µrÐ µ it is Ð µÃ °sy to lÐ µÃ °rn to bÐ µcomÐ µ thÐ µ criminÐ °l. ThÐ µ fÐ °ct thÐ °t mÐ µmbÐ µrs of gÐ °ng Ð µngÐ °gÐ µ d in similÐ °r Ð °ctivitiÐ µs is thÐ µ mÐ °jor fÐ °ctor in Ð µxplÐ °ining why thÐ µsÐ µ commÐ µrciÐ °l shooting took

Monday, February 3, 2020

Communication Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Communication - Term Paper Example However, I believe that the convenience and ease that mobile phone communication brings have a drawback and that is making the quality of communication superficial. In my opinion, the impersonality of communication that mobile phones have brought into people’s lives actually moves people apart and allows them to go their own way and refuse socialization which then creates a disconnected society. Upon reading Louis Menand’s article entitled â€Å"Thumbspeak. Is Texting Here to Stay?† it made me think about the underlying effect of the kind of communication that mobile phones bring into our society. True indeed that mobile texting has become a worldwide phenomenon because it delivers the message to the recipient in a fast, convenient and, most importantly, affordable manner (Menand). It does not matter anymore where the receiver of the message is located because a mobile text message can reach anybody from any part of the globe. I will not deny the fact that the us e of mobile phones brings many benefits to its users. The most apparent advantage of texting is that it accelerates communication (Menand). For instance in the road, the speedy form of communication brought by mobile phones can actually save lives when there is a pressing need to call the emergency hotline. With the use of cell phone, people can immediately call for help that often minimizes the emergency response time and saves more lives on the road. In terms of business, the advantages of using cell phone for businessmen and women are endless, and this encompasses cell phone use even while driving. Business people are supposed to be always reachable especially by their clients because it is going to be huge loss if they miss just one transaction. For business people, work-related issues are on the top of their list and this means being available to address and resolve these issues at any time, regardless of the locations. In terms of relationships, it is not new anymore that ther e are times when men and women rather communicate their thoughts or emotions towards another person through texting or calling via their mobile phone. â€Å"A less obvious attraction of texting is that it uses a telephone to avoid what many people dread about face-to-face exchanges, and even about telephones—having to have a real, unscripted conversation† (Menand). The use of cellular phones on a daily basis is an indication of the construct of efficiency and multi-tasking. It has emphatically made people’s lives easier, particularly communication. Imagine the convenience of talking to a family member or a colleague while we are at the mall and doing shopping. Imagine the ease of having a three-way business conference while we are at home doing household chores or, perhaps, caring for our children. Cellular phones have indeed allow people to do various tasks all at the same time. But while allowing people to efficiently multi-task and immediately reach and commu nicate with people, cellular phones have also marked a greater superficiality to the manner that people communicate today. However, communication is essential to keep any relationship stronger and to develop deeper connection with other people. Accordingly, it is better to have a close interaction or personal contact rather than